As promised before, here is a picture of my new sound setup.
Moving from top to bottom, there is the Goldring GR-1.2 turntable, the Pro-ject Phono Box MKII (the silver thing), the LiTe DAC-Ah (the black thing), and the NAD 320BEE amp. On the top right is one of the EPOS ELS-3 speakers. Still missing is the vintage Sony discman I bought; that will be the Sony D-5A. In total, I basically have three sources of music:
Vinyl: Goldring GR-1.2 --> Pro-ject Phono Box MKII --> Audioquest Coral I/C
Computer: Chaintech AV 710 --> Glass Digital Audio Toslink Cable --> LiTe DAC-Ah --> Belden 1505F I/C
CD: Sony Discman D-5A --> Analog Research Gold Raincoat I/C
Of course, all three converge at the NAD amp, which then goes NAD 320BEE --> Paul Speltz Anti-Cable --> EPOS ELS-3.
Speaking of music, tomorrow is the Sigur Ros show. It's probably gonna be the same as the Madison show; but this time, I should have better seats. Also, I got tickets to the Mogwai show next month in Chicago. Never seen them in action before so that should be awesome. Lastly, I got the Yndi Halda CD recently. Typical post-rock I guess but still very powerful.